Monday, September 19, 2016

13 Signs Your Mall Is Dying

Does your town have a mall? Do you have a sneaking suspicion that it’s on a downhill slide? We have a handy little list here to help you know for sure:

13. It’s the weekend. The mall is open. And this is the parking lot.

Elford Alley

12. The entrance appears foreboding, a yawning abyss awaiting you and anyone else who dare visit the Sears within.

Elford Alley

11. There’s a guy selling swords and laser pointers in the same store.

Elford Alley

Other stores will come and go. But swords and laser pointers are forever. Like the diamonds in the jewelry stores that are no longer here.

10. You see signs of the world that once was. Pac… Sun?

Elford Alley

9. You can navigate a third of the mall without seeing an open store.

Elford Alley

Also: If you hear children’s laughter emanating from the dark corners of the mall ― which you will.

8. You see an abandoned store that was converted to a church… that has also been abandoned.

Elford Alley

The power of Christ compelled them... to new digs! Boom! Take that, struggling businesses.

7. Some stores escape. Others are not so lucky...

Elford Alley

6. They still have a place for kids… to disappear without a trace.

Elford Alley

5. Hey, where did you go to college? By the Dillard’s? Me too!

Elford Alley

4. All that remains of the food court are the bygone signs of the long extinct maintenance crew.

Elford Alley

3. The fabulous ‘90s carpeting mysteriously vanishes.

Elford Alley

2. Hey, look guys, a teen hotspot! For teens!

Elford Alley

Hey, look guys! The teen hot spot has... German military paraphernalia…?

Elford Alley

1. It looks like someone is living in one of the stores…

Elford Alley

Oh shit...

Elford Alley

I think I found him. But seriously, if you disturb his final resting place, you’ll suffer the same curse that brought down the Sbarro.

Elford Alley

How did your mall do?!

One to two things apply: Not looking good.

Three to four things apply: Someone is going to try and stab you in the parking lot.

Five or more things apply: Seriously, was that a Halloween costume or did I photograph a dead guy?

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